Annual Ecumenical Lenten Carbon Fast

Over the past few years, thousands of people the world over have welcomed a day-by-day opportunity to fast from carbon as their Lenten discipline.
Initiated by the UCC and endorsed by Episcopalians, people of every Christian perspective – and people who are not Christians – have benefited from this opportunity to become more conscious and conscientious in their daily lives.
If you’re a pastor – SIGN UP… and:
- Email an invitation to the people in your parish, tell them you’ll be participating,
- Convene a weekly Lenten discussion focusing on the Carbon Fast.
Click this link to sign up to fast from carbon during Lent
Here’s how it works:
Beginning Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent, participants will receive a daily email with the day’s suggested carbon-reducing activity.
Make this your congregation’s Lenten activity:
Organize an opportunity within your congregation for members to meet each week during Lent to discuss their own experience with this fast, AND specifically to discuss the weekly themes which focus on how the church can engage this issue.
Let’s make protecting God’s creation by reducing our carbon footprint as
fundamental a spiritual discipline as prayer!