With actual currency being used less and less given the relative convenience of plastic, on-line checking, automatic deposits, deductions, bill payments, and even Bitcoin, it is easy to forget that MONEY IS GREEN. At least half of it. Half, or one side of each paper denomination ( $1,$5,$10, etc. up to $100) is GREEN.
This is simply a reminder that along with its imprinted color from the engraving presses, money can also be used for GREEN purposes: recycled household products and building materials, xeriscaping, high efficiency appliances, hybrid and electric cars.
At this time of year, when many of our member congregations do planning and projections for upcoming annual budgets, please remember that MONEY IS GREEN. Whether a dedicated line in your outreach budget or as a Special Offering sometime in the coming year, please know that your congregational or individual contributions to Arizona Interfaith Power and Light help provide a faith voice on climate change in Arizona. AZIPL devotes all the MONEY it receives to the furthering of GREEN, healthful, sustainable programs and projects in communities all around Arizona.
Once again, our mission: Arizona Interfaith Power & Light mobilizes people of faith in Arizona to reduce the causes of global climate change through spiritual reflection, education, advocacy and action.
122°F – obviously not the official high temperature on July 20 (that was 119°F), but nonetheless, what my car thermometer read after parking in an unshaded area in Phoenix. I quickly started the car and the Read more…
As said by World Vision in Global poverty: Facts, FAQs, and how to help, poverty does not only include a lack of basic necessities like food, shelter, and education, but structural inequalities such as gender Read more…
Last week, IPL’s #FaithtoFord campaign marked a victory when Ford andthree other automakers announced that they struck a deal with California to reject the Trump administration’s attempt to gut the Clean Car Standards.IPL organized more Read more…