Community Gardeners of Phoenix-Maricopa County
In our continuing AZIPL series on community gardens, here is a collaboration that you should know about.
CGMC is providing support and encouragement to all levels of community gardens, from novice to those growing their own foods for years. The organization consists of about 50 members from across the Valley. Member gardens include traditional community gardens that encourage neighborhood participation; food donation gardens which donate produce to local food banks or provide gifts to local non-profits from food sales; to economic empowerment gardens. There are also many CGMC participants in the group who are working to address hunger, poor nutrition, and lack of access to healthy food.
Projects of CGMC include a community gardener retreat, best practice community garden workshop series (to start in early 2017), participation at Phoenix Food Day, programs for identification of community garden volunteers, and identification of potential garden funding sources.
CGMC is supported by the City of Phoenix, Valley of the Sun United Way, U of A Cooperative Extension, the Desert Botanical Gardens, Vitalyst Health Foundation, and Keep Phoenix Beautiful/Phoenix Renews.
GCMC meets the third Wednesday of every month from 3:30 to 5 pm at the U of A Cooperative Extension at 4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix.