Creation Care Community Outreach at Dove of the Desert…
Dove of the Desert United Methodist Church
The Board of Church and Society at Dove will be presenting “Global Warming – A Christian Perspective” on Saturday, November 10 in rooms 15/16 from 10:00 am – 2:30 pm. This presentation is the product of months of hard work and current research by members of the Dove Church and Society Board. Much effort was put into gathering and fact checking the data being presented. Please join us to educate ourselves on the issue in order to learn and consider what possible roles we, as Christians, might have as stewards of God’s creation on managing Climate Change. There will be discussion breaks included in this program. We are asking for RSVPs by November 5th so that we can arrange the seating in the room and plan for a light lunch.
RSVP to Marti in Dove’s office at 623-572-7334 or email Jill at