Movie Night at the Casa

As the intense desert heat fades, the primary season for activism on behalf of Pope Francis’s Laudato Si Encyclical has begun again at the Franciscan Renewal Center.  We are getting back to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm!  Our first event this fall is Movie Night on Friday, October 27th from 6:00 Read more…


Notice how things slow down during the hot summer months in Arizona?  At the Franciscan Renewal Center many parishioners flee to cooler climates, and those who remain in Arizona sorely miss our collaborators who work with us on climate change issues.  There is one thing, however, that we can continue Read more…

Movie Night at the Casa

The Franciscan Renewal Center in collaboration with Phoenix Peace Initiative will present the award-winning documentary, INSIDE PEACE, on Friday, June 16.  INSIDE PEACE tells the story of criminal offenders who discover their humanity and struggle to change after attending a “Peace Class” in a Texas prison.  What will make this Read more…