Produce on Wheels Keeps Rolling…

60 Pounds of Produce for $10.  In November, Red Mountain United Methodist church, will begin distributing fresh produce on the 3rd Saturday of each month through May 2018. Borderlands Food Bank  will supply the surplus veggies and fruit. Please register on the Borderlands website. This is an effort by Read more…


Notice how things slow down during the hot summer months in Arizona?  At the Franciscan Renewal Center many parishioners flee to cooler climates, and those who remain in Arizona sorely miss our collaborators who work with us on climate change issues.  There is one thing, however, that we can continue Read more…

Members of the Casa C4C ministry (The Care for Creation Ministry at the Franciscan Renewal Center) are meeting with the Scottsdale Mission Montessori school to determine how C4C can work with the Mission school to expand this program to other schools in the State of Arizona.   ___________________________________________________ “These interlocking Read more…

Cultivate South Phoenix

How do you transform a food desert into a food oasis?  Check out the plans of Cultivate South Phoenix. This neighborhood-based partnership is leasing an 18-acre site from the Roosevelt School District to help transform that area.  This incubator farm initiative will provide fresh, affordable produce for the neighborhood and Read more…