S.A.G.E. Congregations
We invite you and your community of faith to become a S.A.G.E.
Congregation, “Spirited Activists Greening the Earth”.
We live in a time when the world is desperate for sages, wise exemplars who use
knowledge and experience to answer the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor,
people of faith and conscience willing to take bold actions for people and the planet.
“Sage” is a multivalent word with rich meaning for those of us who advocate for the
Earth here in the desert Southwest. We cook with sage. We bless with sage. Sage is
the color of green in the desert. A sage is a person venerated for wisdom and
By becoming a S.A.G.E. Congregation you will be joining a partnership between your
congregation and Arizona Interfaith Power & Light, alongside other S.A.G.E.
Congregations in Arizona. We will help you form a S.A.G.E. Team and
guide you and your faith community as you answer the call to care for Creation. Every
other month we will offer a S.A.G.E. Roundtable where your team can join with other
S.A.G.E. teams in Arizona to support, encourage and inform each other about relevant
activities and ideas.
Interested in learning more? Contact:
Or, download the comprehensive S.A.G.E. Congregation Action Plan here: