Extreme Heat:
Protect Yourself and Your Community
Summer in Arizona can be, to say the least, intense. Here are some resources for adapting to extreme heat, tips for what to do when something unexpected happens, and programs that can help reduce your utility bills.
Download our one-pagers with information to help someone in your community, or your own household!

Heat Emergencies: Find a Cooling Center
It’s important to know how to recognize the signs of heat illness. Learn what to do about it and know where to go if you need a place to cool off.
Utility Assistance
Facing disconnection? Need help with overdue bills or utility deposits? We can help you figure out what discounts are available to you!
Weatherization Assistance Grants
Is your home or apartment using too much energy? You may qualify for free weatherization improvements! Learn what’s available, who’s eligible, and how to apply.